How we can assist Architects… 

If you are an Architect and you wish to provide your Clients with fast and accurate cost estimations you are at the right place.

QS Online team can assist you to ensure that your Clients economic objectives are secured. This may include new builds, renovations or maintenance work.

How it Works

At the very early stage we can provide feasibility studies and help you establish a realistic Budget (Economic Objectives) for your Client.

In addition, once the Budget is established, we can provide Elemental Cost Estimates to identify the Project’s estimated costs.

Once the Elemental Cost Estimate is completed, we can contact comparison studies based on the Budget and the Project’s estimated costs to determine whether the design is meeting the economic objectives of your Client.

In cases where the Project’s estimated costs are exceeding the established Budged, we will contact Value Engineering studies to examine and identify potential alternative solutions to reduce the Project’s costs (wile maintaining the required Project’s quality objectives) and secure the Project’s economic objectives.

Finally, during the design stage we will constantly updating our Estimations in order to identify and eliminate any risks regarding the Project’s Economical Objectives.

Please send as an email if you required more informations regarding our services